Pretty Boy Ain't So Pretty No Mo': First Look at the Joker
Ahoy hoy!
(Quick aside--the reason why Mr. Burns answers the phone that way in The Simpsons is because that's how Alexander Graham Bell wanted people to say "hello" on the phone - like the French "allo" or the Japanese "moshi moshi." Clearly, this did not catch on - unless we bring it back. Now back to an even nerdier post)
So Ain't It Cool News first brought the following items to my attention through this article. In the past week, some interesting online ad campaigns have sprung up for The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins. In this movie, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) continues growing into his role as Batman while contending with The Joker (and possibly Two-Face). I personally hated Batman Begins (as seen here), and I understand I'm in the vast minority on that one. And that's okay - i believe history will vindicate me one day. But I still believe in the brothers Nolan, and with Katie Holmes and David Goyer absent from the project - plus the addition of Nestor Carbonell as the Mayor of Gotham - not to mention my own geeky proclivities, I will still see this movie in theaters. Sigh, cuz I'm a big pussy. But on to the cool interweb sensations that Warner Brothers is spreading on the web!
First, was the quiet marketing campaign of revealing Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent (who later becomes Two-Face) by using the clever political ad for Dent's run at District Attorney (seen below).
Then, came this piece of the puzzle - which was a viral site smearing Dent's political poster. The thing is, as you enter your email, the poster image begins to get broken down, pixels removed to reveal the face of....Heath Ledger as The Joker!!! Quint has since posted the image of The Joker sans all remaining pixels. Here it is:
Does it look vaguely reminiscent of Brandon Lee as The Crow? Yes, but it also looks like it good be cool. He just looks like a fucked up dude. Plus any time you can scar up a pretty boy and cake him in make up is a good day for me. Anyways, let me know your thoughts on this new look for The Joker.
I think Eckhart is a great choice, and that pic of a batshit crazy Joker is creepy as hell...needless to say I am very intrigued
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