The Neurotic Monkey's Guide to Survival

"These STILL aren't my pants!"

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Carl Weathers Needs Work!

Remember when Carl Weathers had that stint on Arrested Development as Carl Weathers, Tobias's "acting coach" who was miserly, cheap, and desperately needed money?

Apparently, that wasn't really acting. Behold this Q & A from Ain't It Cool News:

Rumor has it that Mr. T & Ivan Drago are going to be in "Rocky Balboa", is this true or just a rumor???

Sylvester Stallone: Actually Mr. T and Ivan Drago are in a quick montage before the main event in ROCKY BALBOA. It’s only for a second or two, but I appreciate their agreeing to participate. Apollo Creed is not in ROCKY BALBOA because he wanted many thousands of dollars for a two-second piece of he and Rocky boxing. Unfortunately we couldn’t afford it. Then again, what ever happened to loyalty? Apollo Greed?

Damn! Take that, Action Snackson! (I'm not as good at the puns as Sly)

Also, I love that Stallone calls Mr. T by his real name and not Clubber Lang, but Dolph Lundgren will always be Ivan Drago (except to me - who remembers him fondly as He-Man).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you know you can get free refills with any meal you order here at burger king?

anyway how much is rocky balboa gonna suck? i don't think it will Battlefield Earth suck (which by the way i just found out was written by our lord l. ron hubbard!), but i'm confident it will at least Phantom Menace suck. thoughts?

2:10 PM  
Blogger The Neurotic Monkey said...

See - I dunno how Rocky Balboa is gonna end up. Do I think it's gonna be good? No. But I don't think any of the Rocky films are really "Good" films. They're entertaining, but most of them defy all logic for the sake of a really good montage. Also, it has to end with Rocky either losing the fight or just flat out dying. So a downer ending might be a nice little surprise.

Also, if you want to really appreciate Rocky Balboa, just watch Rocky V the night before. Expectations couldn't get any lower after that backalley abortion of a film.

My real question about Rocky Balboa, though, is will Paulie's robot maid return? If not now, when? WHEN?

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!

5:15 PM  

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