The Neurotic Monkey's Guide to Survival

"These STILL aren't my pants!"

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tip of the Hat to You, Sir!

Well, here it is.

The winner for next year's Oscar, and definitely going to be THE movie to watch for in 2007.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you...Black Sheep

(No, it's not a joke. Although it is supposed to be horror/comedy hybrid - a la Slithers, Bad Taste, Evil Dead 2 - this movie is for realz. Pretty Awesome, right?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am your comment whore here. Jesus.

Aside from that fun fact (shameless plug!) I love this damn movie. I think I love the sheep biting people the most. Because it looks like when you have a hand puppet, and you're in the store, and you "bite" your friend because it's funny, but you both know it's completely fake, and despite you acting like an angry sheep and your friend acting like the bite really hurts, you both know it's just a 2-D mouth with a painted-on tounge. Kind of like how the polar bear looked in the previews for LOST before they fixed it. Like a giant muppet flying through the air. It's along those lines, which means it's like if the muppets when crazy, like if they had all gotten rabies, what might happen.

I mean think about it - if they ALL got rabies? Animal would be unstoppable and Ms. Piggy could consume a body in 2 minutes flat. Think about THAT, Nana.

7:12 PM  

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