Some Say It's Mystic - It's A Blog Quiz! (Boogie Woogie Woogie) You Can't Resist It - It's A Blog Quiz! (Boogie Woogie Woogie)
Yessir. It's time.
No, not Party Time.
Not Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
Not even Business Time (You know it's Business Time when I'm down to just my socks, that's why they call them Business Socks!).
It's Quiz Time. I'll post my answers at the end of the week. Til then, answer creatively, but most important truthfully. And no more glib wittiness. It gets old, people.
Also, EVERYONE READING THIS should answer. You all know who You are. Start replying.
1) Our President FORBIDS the creation of Animal/Human hybrids (otherwise known as Manimals). If the technology did exist, what Animal would you want to fuse with? Why?
2) Would You Rather Be a Private Detective or an Undercover Cop?
3) If You Could Fight Any Member of Superfriends, who'd it be? Which character would, in fact, be your Super Friend?
4) What song, released in 2005, best sums up YOUR 2005?
5) If you were a superhero - would you have a cape?
6) What's the strangest thing that ever made you cry?
7) Fireworks: Awesome or Awful?
8)Who (one band/musician) would you want to do the soundtrack for your life? Who SHOULD do the soundtrack to your life?
9)Do you remember the first lie you ever told? If so, what was it?
10) If You Could Fight Any Character from Can't Hardly Wait, who'd it be and why? Which character are you most like?
11) Best Adam Sandler movie? (no, it's not an oxymoron)
12) If you had the gift of flight, where would you fly to first?
13) Have you ever known someone who reminded you of a celebrity, BUT that celebrity was pretty awful so you couldn't really tell that person? (For example, someone told me recently that I look like Ray Romano. That was hurtful and should've been kept to herself.) If so, who was the person and who was the celebrity?
14) Would you rather have a sassy teen, sassy robot, or a sassy monkey for a sidekick?
15) What band, TV show, or movie did you hate on for a long time, but then suddenly found yourself completely in love with?
16) Ironic Music Listening: Funny or Tired?
17) If you could bring back a game from your childhood (MASH, Hopscotch, Kickball, Spike, etc), what game would it be? Why?
18) If you had to be trapped inside of any TV show, as a recurring character within that universe, what show would it be? Why?
19) Have you ever written a poem for someone you love?
20) Would you rather be Giant (like Atomic size) or Microscopic?
21) Are Mummies scary? How about Zombies?
22) Write a horoscope for a Muppet Baby.
23) You just won the Lottery. What do you do the next day at work?
24) What One Hit Wonder Band do you think was actually deserve of some real acclaim?
25) Do you still believe in the possibilities of wondrous, miraculous things occurring? Magic rings, parallel dimensions, Capital L Love, Monsters, spells, events that transcend space and time? Do you really?
Woo thanks for giving me something to do on my day off.
1) ...what Animal would you want to fuse with? Why?
a: some variety of large bird i guess, wings and flight would be fun.
2) Would You Rather Be a Private Detective or an Undercover Cop?
a: tempting as it is to make a joke about dicks or gene parmesean here (Ahhhhh! Gene!!!) i gotta go with undercover cop. PI's spend all there time following spouses suspected to be cheating. boring. i want some excitement. i'm also a huge fan of Orange from Resevoir Dogs, so there you go.
3) If You Could Fight Any Member of Superfriends, who'd it be? Which character would, in fact, be your Super Friend?
a: who doesn't pick aquaman for the first question? second question, gotta be batman. gadgets galore, tons of money, plus you get to listen to the hypnotic voice of adam west all day.
4) What song, released in 2005, best sums up YOUR 2005?
a: "For Today I Am a Boy" by Antony would seem to satisfy the question best, though i'm not a huge fan of that song. I'd prefer "As Ugly As I Seem" by the White Stripes
5) If you were a superhero - would you have a cape?
a: no
6) What's the strangest thing that ever made you cry?
a: i cry pretty easily. any sad movie or movie with a sad part will make me cry as long as it has that generic sappy soundtrack in the background. ie Trinity dying in the 3rd matrix etc. i know, i'm not proud of it either.
7) Fireworks: Awesome or Awful?
a: can be both, depends on the setting. on lake george they're actually pretty cool, but thats because they're fired from a barge in the middle of the lake and you can hear the booms echoing off the surrounding mountains down the length of it.
8) Who (one band/musician) would you want to do the soundtrack for your life? Who SHOULD do the soundtrack to your life?
a: i'll go with the fading captain himself uncle bob pollard since i love his songs and hes recently taken to the soundtrack game. who should? boards of canada would probly be most fitting.
9)Do you remember the first lie you ever told? If so, what was it?
a: not really. tho i did lie about wrecking a neighbors remote control car when i was about 3.
10) If You Could Fight Any Character from Can't Hardly Wait, who'd it be and why? Which character are you most like?
a: not familiar with this movie, tho i'll choose the stereotypical jock asshole who i'm sure is a character like in most other crappy teen movies. i hate high school jocks, a lot.
11) Best Adam Sandler movie? (no, it's not an oxymoron)
a: remember when Billy Madison was the funniest movie you ever saw? gotta vote for that out of senitmentality (and the awesome steve buscemi cameo)
12) If you had the gift of flight, where would you fly to first?
a: NYC, cali, or boston to see friends.
13) Have you ever known someone who reminded you of a celebrity, BUT that celebrity was pretty awful so you couldn't really tell that person? (For example, someone told me recently that I look like Ray Romano. That was hurtful and should've been kept to herself.) If so, who was the person and who was the celebrity?
a: a guy i work with sounds EXACTLY like Romano (as well as that nameless minion of the Monarch), and no, i haven't told him so.
14) Would you rather have a sassy teen, sassy robot, or a sassy monkey for a sidekick?
a: sassy teen. probly easier to get along with. prolly won't feel the urge to occasionally kill all humans. also, maybe sex?
15) What band, TV show, or movie did you hate on for a long time, but then suddenly found yourself completely in love with?
a: i hated The Doors when I was younger, but thats just because i had a friend who would only play Alabama Song over and over. i loved them for awhile, now i'm pretty indifferent. Ladytron is my current guilty pleasure.
16) Ironic Music Listening: Funny or Tired?
a: i'm incapable of it. bad music is bad music, i can't appreciate a song's crappiness, it's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
17) If you could bring back a game from your childhood (MASH, Hopscotch, Kickball, Spike, etc), what game would it be? Why?
a: we played a variation of dodgeball where there was no dividing line in elementary school. also team handball was fun, it was like a combo of soccer and basketball. i was good at em, thats why i liked em.
18) If you had to be trapped inside of any TV show, as a recurring character within that universe, what show would it be? Why?
a: easiest question here. Arrested Development. I fantasize about this all the time. how i'd be related, if i'd get to make out with George Michael, what my chicken dance would be (BUCK BUCK ACHOW! BUCK BUCK ACHOW!)... sigh, oh just to be Gob's assistant.
19) Have you ever written a poem for someone you love?
a: never been in love. sorry for the depressing answer.
20) Would you rather be Giant (like Atomic size) or Microscopic?
a: Giant. it'd be hard to do stuff either way, but you'd be in less danger of dying etc. plus you could make threats and demands to get money and stuff you want etc.
21) Are Mummies scary? How about Zombies?
a: not really, they're pretty slow movin. not too coordinated.
22) Write a horoscope for a Muppet Baby.
a: You will grow increasingly frustrated trying to learn to play the drums. Luckily, a friend with a nose like a penis will be there to comfort you. Harness the power of your temper to rip his head off and use his nose to proposition that dog you've had your eye on.
23) You just won the Lottery. What do you do the next day at work?
a: give 2 weeks notice and spend all day looking for apartments in boston, nyc, and san fran online.
24) What One Hit Wonder Band do you think was actually deserve of some real acclaim?
a: i don't really have a good answer for this. i'm not a singles guy, it's the whole album or its nothing. therefore, i don't know many 1 hit wonders. tho i have a read a few things saying that The Verve Pipe, and James (y'know, that song Laid?), are both quality artists with some really good albums.
25) Do you still believe in the possibilities of wondrous, miraculous things occurring? Magic rings, parallel dimensions, Capital L Love, Monsters, spells, events that transcend space and time? Do you really?
a: nothing that's actually miraculous. but love can do crazy things, as can the power of one's own brain when applied, pushed or manipulated. but as for magic spells etc.? no.
1) Our President FORBIDS the creation of Animal/Human hybrids (otherwise known as Manimals). If the technology did exist, what Animal would you want to fuse with? Why?
(The flying fish from Super Mario Bros. I don’t remember whether it was 2 or 3, I think 2, but that’s a great combo)
A bird for the flying ability
A fish, while gills are kind of creepy, it would be cool to be able to breathe under water.
2) Would You Rather Be a Private Detective or an Undercover Cop?
Private detective, more interesting, more intrigue
3) If You Could Fight Any Member of Superfriends, who'd it be? Which character would, in fact, be your Super Friend?
I don’t know why, but for some reason I just want to smack superman, I don’t dislike him or anything, I just want to smack him. I do dislike that gleek monkey thing that hung around with the super twins, but I don’t want to fight him just throw him off a cliff or something. I’d want batman as my friend, he just has an aura of cool.
4) What song, released in 2005, best sums up YOUR 2005?
Everyday is exactly the same- NIN
5) If you were a superhero - would you have a cape?
Clearly, a cape completes any outfit
6) What's the strangest thing that ever made you cry?
It’s an everyday occurrence I can’t even think of one
7) Fireworks: Awesome or Awful?
Depends on the mood and local, generally I think they awesome but much too hyped and overrated on the 4th of July
8)Who (one band/musician) would you want to do the soundtrack for your life? Who SHOULD do the soundtrack to your life?
I would want NIN
I have no idea who should do it
9)Do you remember the first lie you ever told? If so, what was it?
This is what I’ve always been told the first lie was; I was 3 and at a deli with my mom and didn’t tell her I was holding a pack of gum (strawberry bubblicious) we left went home and I burst into tears and made her take me back and apologize and pay for the gum. I don’t remember it though…
The first lie I remember telling is "I’m fine" it will probably be the last lie as well; I think it’s a lie most people overlook.
10) If You Could Fight Any Character from Can't Hardly Wait, who'd it be and why? Which character are you most like?
Fight: Jennifer love Hewitt but that’s because I just find her irritating and her hair was awful
Most like: Lauren Ambrose’s character, her being there (or not) made no difference to anyone. No one noticed her; she just kind of faded into the background.
11) Best Adam Sandler movie? (No, it's not an oxymoron)
It depends; his comedies and dramas can’t be categorized together
Comedy: I have a soft spot for the wedding singer
Drama: Punch-drunk love
12) If you had the gift of flight, where would you fly to first?
Think the just the feeling of being up in the air free flying would be good enough for me then I would see where the wind took me
13) Have you ever known someone who reminded you of a celebrity, BUT that celebrity was pretty awful so you couldn't really tell that person? (For example, someone told me recently that I look like Ray Romano. That was hurtful and should've been kept to herself.) If so, who was the person and who was the celebrity?
It’ll come to me but I can’t think of any right now
Though people called one of my friends from school “sponge bob” behind her back (as in sponge bob square pants) because her legs were kind of boxy or whatever… it was mean.
14) Would you rather have a sassy teen, sassy robot, or a sassy monkey for a sidekick?
I’m tempted to say robot but if the monkey was potty trained that would be another story
15) What band, TV show, or movie did you hate on for a long time, but then suddenly found yourself completely in love with?
Its more a matter of things I had never given a chance and then upon closer review found I loved them, but nothing comes to mind that I actually hated and now love.
16) Ironic Music Listening: Funny or Tired?
Depends on my mood
17) If you could bring back a game from your childhood (MASH, Hopscotch, Kickball, Spike, etc), what game would it be? Why?
Duck duck goose... I was never the goose and I always felt gypped
Steal the bacon... I was good at it and loved it
Jacks... still one of my favorite games
I also miss the card game spit
18) If you had to be trapped inside of any TV show, as a recurring character within that universe, what show would it be? Why?
Scrubs, good friends at work and any opportunity to be part of an air band... I’m there
19) Have you ever written a poem for someone you love?
20) Would you rather be Giant (like Atomic size) or Microscopic?
Microscopic, I could see it becoming very lonely as a giant; you would be left out a lot. You could go anywhere if you were tiny
21) Are Mummies scary? How about Zombies?
No and No, reality is much more frightening
22) Write a horoscope for a Muppet Baby.
This month as your imagination takes hold, staying grounded in reality will become increasingly difficult. You are going to be drawn to a woman with stripped socks… steer clear, she will bring you nothing but heartache. Also someone close to you is plotting your downfall and planning to usurp your leadership position. Watch out, although unassuming in his clumsy way and inability to avoid tomatoes, what he has planned for you is no laughing matter.
23) You just won the Lottery. What do you do the next day at work?
Can’t say, I don’t work
24) What One Hit Wonder Band do you think was actually deserve of some real acclaim?
Don’t know any one hit wonder band well enough to say if they deserve more than the moment in the sun they got.
25) Do you still believe in the possibilities of wondrous, miraculous things occurring? Magic rings, parallel dimensions, Capital L Love, Monsters, spells, events that transcend space and time? Do you really?
While I have yet to see any indication or feeling of these sorts of things in my life I’m tempted to say no, but my heart won't give up on the idea of the possibility, so I guess until I completely give into cynicism and pessimism, I do believe
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